March 10, 2025

Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)

© RTO Insider LLC
MISO Wants Tougher Obligations on Queue Entry and Exit
Faced with an exponential rise in interconnection requests, MISO announced that it’s aiming to make its queue a more exclusive club through new rules.
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MISO Puts 2 Tx Planning Improvement Suggestions on Hold
MISO said it will salvage two to-do items from its effort a few years ago to better link up interconnection trends with annual transmission planning.
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Experts Urge MISO to Consider New 765 kV and HVDC Lines
Presenters at a special two-day meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee advised MISO to consider recommending 765 kV and HVDC transmission lines.
FERC Accepts MISO’s Pledge for Annual Capacity Ratio Calculation
FERC on Tuesday accepted a MISO tariff filing, promising to annually update an unforced capacity-to-intermediate seasonal accredited capacity ratio.
MISO, SPP Staffs Take Crack at Rate Pancaking
SPP and MISO plan to draft a white paper on rate pancaking and unreserved use, two issues that bedevil utilities along the RTOs’ seam.
Gregory County Pumped Storage Project
MISO to Evaluate System Attributes Through Year’s End
MISO will evaluate through the end of the year how it can measure and encourage six generating attributes that it says are necessary to its system operations.
MISO: Sloped Demand Curve Would Have Raised 2023/24 Capacity Prices
MISO said that a sloped demand curve applied to its recent seasonal auction would have boosted summer clearing prices as much as sixfold.
MISO: Little Firm Capacity to Spare This Summer
MISO this week said it will likely operate with almost no firm generating capacity to spare to manage typical summertime peaks.
MISO: Auction Results Point to Need for Sloped Demand Curve
MISO executives said the capacity market still needs fixing, warning that the surplus gained from last week’s auction is fleeting without long-term changes.
FERC Again Rejects MISO Minimum Capacity Obligation
MISO still doesn’t have enough justification to institute a minimum capacity obligation, FERC decided last week.

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