Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)

Pattern Energy
FERC OKs New Queue Priority for MISO, SPP Seams Studies
FERC has approved MISO's and SPP’s plan to assign a new prioritization of projects in their respective interconnection queues for study purposes.
MISO Customers Ask for Penalty-free Load Reductions
MISO transmission customers argued to FERC that MISO should allow customers to decrement their load penalty-free to lessen the possibility of summer blackouts.
Midwest Capacity Shortage Leads to Must-offer Talk
MISO’s capacity auction shortfall has nearly doubled its probability of load shedding in its Midwest region, prompting discussion of must-offer requirements.
SPP, MISO Propose Scrapping Affected System Studies
MISO and SPP announced that they plan to ditch their current affected systems study process for more interregional transmission studies like their JTIQ study.
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FERC OKs MISO’s Bifurcated Cost-allocation Tx Design
FERC has allowed MISO to use a separate-but-equal postage stamp rate divided between MISO Midwest and MISO South for some of its major transmission buildout.
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MRO Annual Reliability Conference Spotlights Need for Generation and Transmission
MRO’s annual reliability conference emphasized the inevitability of the transition to clean energy and avoiding future supply shortfalls with more generation.
NERC 2022 Summer Reliability Assessment
West, Texas, Midwest at Risk of Summer Shortfalls, NERC Says
Drought, wildfires, plant retirements and transmission outages have elevated the risk of supply shortfalls in the West, Texas, MISO and SPP, NERC said.
MISO Exec, IMM Debate Next Steps After Capacity Auction Shortfall
A month after its capacity auction revealed a Midwestern supply scarcity, MISO’s Independent Market Monitor and a MISO vice president debated the path forward.
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MISO, SPP Hold 1st Common Seams Initiatives Meeting
MISO and SPP’s inaugural Common Seams Initiatives meeting discussed transmission reconfigurations and the search for interregional transmission projects.
SPP Reviewing its M2M Processes After MISO Monitor’s Comments
SPP staff are conducting internal discussions on how they manage MISO constraints in the day-ahead market as part of the RTOs’ market-to-market process.

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