January 21, 2025

Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)

Entergy Louisiana
Entergy Re-energizes Small Portion of New Orleans
Entergy restored power to a fraction of customers in New Orleans Wednesday morning, using a transmission line from the northern side of Lake Pontchartrain.
Entergy Won’t Estimate Hurricane Ida Restoration Times
Entergy embarked on restoration efforts  following Hurricane Ida but won't guess as to how long power could be out for several thousand customers in Louisiana.
MISO Zeros in on Seasonal Capacity Auction, Accreditation
MISO is confirming final details of its bid for seasonal capacity auctions & availability-based accreditation while some stakeholders continue to criticize it.
MISO: Lessons Remain From February’s Winter Crisis
MISO's Trevor Hines told attendees at a webinar that the RTO is still identifying and working through lessons from the February winter storm.
New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board
Entergy Expedites MISO Tx Project, Cancels 4 Others
While Entergy New Orleans has expedited one transmission reliability project, Entergy Arkansas has canceled four reliability projects approved by MISO in 2018. 
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MISO Fined $500,000 for CIP Violations
ReliabilityFirst assessed MISO a $500,000 fine for violating Critical Infrastructure Protection standards. MISO says security was never at risk.
MISO Central Tx Projects Face $2B in Upgrade Costs
A cycle of generation projects in MISO’s Central planning region has accrued a whopping $2 billion in upgrades in order to connect to the transmission system. 
Texas RE
Texas RE Board of Trustees Briefs: Aug. 18, 2021
A joint inquiry on the devastating effects of Winter Storm Uri will “clearly” call for “reforms in multiple areas,” NERC CEO Jim Robb said.
Texas PUC
Texas PUC Faces Sticky Issue in Setting Weather Rules
Texas regulators are grappling with writing weather preparedness measures for generators and transmission service providers as required by state law.
MISO Stakeholders: Separate Allocations Isolate Regions
Stakeholders say it's ill-advised for MISO to propose separate cost allocation methods for long-range transmission projects in MISO South versus MISO Midwest.

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