MISO-SPP Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue (JTIQ)
SPP’s state commissioners have approved staff’s proposed cost allocation for the projects in its Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue study portfolio.
MISO and SPP said they plan to treat Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue projects as large generator interconnection projects when allocating costs.
SPP and MISO plan to apply for grants from the Department of Energy to help fund five transmission projects recently identified in their JTIQ work.
MISO and SPP have again come up empty in their fifth effort to find interregional projects to solve congestion along their seams.
DOE invited applications for $6 billion in funding to improve the grid, part of the largest federal investment ever in transmission and distribution.
MISO assured stakeholders that it has the means to study the 170 GW worth of new generation interconnection requests that officially queued up last month.
SPP has posted its Markets+ draft service offering that lays out the RTO’s proposal to “modernize and enhance” the western grid’s operation.
New Jersey hopes for “horse trading” with other PJM states over the cost of transmission needed to integrate offshore wind and other renewables.
MISO and SPP’s proposed cost allocation for their queue-relieving interregional transmission planning continues to create consternation among stakeholders.
MISO and SPP have laid out a percentage-based cost allocation for their $1-billion Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue transmission study.
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