natural gas

Duke, Dominion Propose 550-Mile, $5 Billion Pipeline for Shale Gas
Duke Energy, Dominion Resources and other partners last week proposed a 550-mile, $5 billion pipeline to carry natural gas from the Marcellus and Utica shale formations to Virginia and eastern North Carolina.
Inspector General: EPA Not Doing Enough to Curb Natural Gas Leaks
Federal officials should do more to reduce leaks in natural gas distribution pipelines, the EPA’s Inspector General said in a report last week.
Looking Ahead: Winter 2014-15
A look at how MISO and the Northeast RTOs are planning to cope with winter 2014-15.
Gas Drives News in FERC State of the Markets
Natural gas production and demand hit new records in 2013, and futures prices suggest the trend may continue this year, FERC said, FERC said in their 2013 state of the markets presentation.
PJM 2013 by the Numbers
Statistical highlights of the Market Monitor's 2013 State of the Market report.
Federal Briefs
Briefs from federal agencies governing PJM Interconnection and other national organizations. This week's news include stories from the Supreme Court, the OECD, the GAO, the NRC, and other national news.
LS Power
State Briefs
State briefs from around PJM's territory. Included this week are Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
DOE Study: Carbon Capture No Salvation for Coal
Coal boosters who hope carbon capture technology will ensure the fuel’s future will find little support in a report for planners in the Eastern Interconnection.
Task Force to Study Gas-Electric Coordination
The Markets and Reliability Committee approved the creation of a task force to study potential reliability problems resulting from PJM’s increasing reliabili...
Pa. Lawmakers Push Gas Pipeline Expansion
Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi and Sen. Gene Yaw announced legislation March 26 to increase the availability of natural gas to homes and businesses. ...

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