New England Power Generators Association (NEPGA)

FERC Orders Sloped Zonal Curves for FCA 11
FERC ruled that the ISO-NE Tariff is unjust and unreasonable because it uses vertical demand curves in constrained zones.
Generators Dispute ISO-NE on Solar Capacity
Generators are protesting the way in which ISO-NE is calculating its installed capacity requirement for its 10th Forward Capacity Auction.
Northern Pass Facing Challenges over Siting
The developers of the Northern Pass transmission line may have to fight in court before they turn the first shovel of dirt on their project to deliver Canadian hydropower to the New England grid.
FERC Denies Rehearings on ISO-NE Pay-for-Performance
FERC had said neither ISO-NE’s nor the New England Power Pool’s proposals in themselves addressed performance adequacy, but the commission adopted elements of both.
New England Generators: State Interventions Risk Market Development
New England politicians' urge to “do something” to combat high winter power prices risks undermining ISO-NE’s power market just as it has begun adding new generation, the head of NEPGA said.
ISO-NE, NEPOOL Oppose Demand Curve Change
NEPOOL joined ISO-NE in asking FERC to reject a request by generators to force the RTO to develop a zonal sloped demand curve design for FCA 10 in February.
NEPGA: Order Sloped Demand Curve in FCA 10
NEPGA says ISO-NE should adhere to a planned change to a sloped demand curve in the next Forward Capacity Auction.
FERC Backtracks from ISO-NE Winter Reliability Order
FERC backtracked from its January order directing ISO-NE to develop a market-based approach for its winter reliability program later this year.
FERC Orders Market-Based Reliability Program Next Winter in ISO-NE
ISO-NE must find a market-based solution for ensuring adequate generation by next winter, the FERC said last week in a clarification of a previous order.
FERC Approves New England Demand Response Integration
FERC approved rule changes allowing ISO-NE grid operators to fully integrate demand response into their wholesale markets.

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