New England Transmission Owners (NETOs)

ISO-NE PAC Briefs: Dec. 20, 2023
Increased electrification and reliance on solar and wind will make electricity supply and demand more weather-dependent, resulting in more variable winter peak loads.
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New England Transmission Owners Issue Draft Asset Condition Forecast Database
The New England Transmission Owners released a draft asset condition forecast database for the ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee and outlined updates to the asset condition project stakeholder review process.
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New England TOs Propose Asset Condition Project Database

The New England Transmission Owners outlined a proposal for a new asset condition project database at ISO-NE’s Planning Advisory Committee.

National Grid
States Press New England TOs on Asset Condition Projects
NESCOE pressed transmission owners to increase the transparency of their asset condition projects and incorporate them into ISO-NE’s planning process.
FERC OKs NETOs, Emera Maine Order 845 Filings
FERC accepted changes to the New England Transmission Owners’ interconnection study rules but ordered changes to the interconnection agreement.
TOs Challenge New MISO ROE Rules
FERC’s new method for calculating transmission ROE drew requests for rehearing from TOs perplexed it would use a MISO-centric order to set national policy.
NEPOOL Transmission Committee Briefs: Aug. 21, 2019
NEPOOL provided the Transmission Committee with an update on the hearing procedures in the proceeding under Federal Power Act Section 206.
FERC Rejects New England Tx Rate Settlement
FERC rejected a contested offer of settlement on network service rates for a group of New England transmission owners (NETOs).
FERC Discloses Data Behind New England ROE Order
FERC disclosed data underlying its new formula for setting ROE rates for New England transmission owners and explained how it influenced the methodology.
FERC Changing ROE Rules; Higher Rates Likely
FERC signaled a major change in how it sets transmission owners' return on equity rates; no longer relying solely on the discounted cash flow model.

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