New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

Winter 2013-14 by the Numbers
PJM wasn’t the only place the winter 2013-14 made its mark in the record books. MISO, the Southwest Power Pool and NYISO all hit all-time winter peaks during January’s polar vortex, while ISO New England came up just short.
MIC OKs Changes for ExSchedule
PJM members endorsed updates to PJM’s Regional Transmission and Energy Practices in support of the RTO’s new ExSchedule application.
PJM Price Forecasts: Close Enough for Power Trading?
The scheduling tool that would be used to optimize power trading between PJM and NYISO is accurate within $5/MWh more than two-thirds of the time, according to a new analysis provided to members last week.
Tariff Changes Prepare for CTS
Preparing for a new scheduling product, the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee last week approved collateral rules for export transactions.
NYISO Scheduling Product Wins FERC OK
FERC approved a new scheduling product to reduce uneconomic power flows between PJM and NYISO, clearing the way for its implementation later this year.
FERC Lifts Price Cap Through March 31
High-cost gas-fired generators will be able to set PJM market clearing prices above $1,000/MWh for the remainder of the winter, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ruled.
Pony Up!
Load serving entities in PJM are starting to calculate how much their bills are going to increase for a frigid January, and they aren’t happy about it.
Import Cap Approved; Capacity Prices May Rise
PJM will reduce the volume of imports that clear in next year’s Base Residual Auction – potentially increasing capacity prices – under methodology approved by the Planning Committee yesterday.
MRC/Members Committee Approvals
The PJM Markets and Reliability and Members committees approved the following measures with little discussion at their October 24th meeting.
PJM to Consider Market Changes for Gas-Fired Generators
Operators of gas-fired generators could include the costs of ensuring fuel supplies in their energy market offers under changes being considered by PJM.

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