March 15, 2025

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

Fierce Bidding Pushes NY Bight Auction to $4.37 Billion
Six companies offered a record $4.37 billion for 5.6 GW of offshore wind capacity in the New York Bight after three days of fierce bidding.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Feb. 23, 2022
NYISO plans to resume in-person stakeholder meetings in the second week of March, CEO Rich Dewey told the Management Committee.
FERC Reverses Itself on NYISO BSM Exemptions
FERC accepted revisions to NYISO’s buyer-side market power mitigation measures designed to prioritize evaluating New York state-subsidized resources.
NYPSC Applauds Central Hudson Storm Response
The New York PSC lauded Central Hudson Gas and Electric and assisting parties for their quick response to outages stemming from the early February blizzard.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Feb. 16, 2022
The NYISO BIC approved capacity import limits for 2022/23 and discussed FERC's deficiency letter regarding the ISO's comprehensive mitigation review filing.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Feb. 8, 2022
PJM will present stakeholders with study results that seek to explain potential upgrade requirements stemming from the RTO’s generator deliverability proposal.
New York Power Authority
NY Legislators Prioritize Planning for EV Charger Build-out
Four New York House of Representatives committees convened a hearing to identify existing EV charger deployment plans and ways to expedite the build-out.
NY Stakeholders, Residents Split on HVDC Tx Projects
New Yorkers were generally in support of the entirely in-state Clean Path NY transmission project and opposed to the line to import Canadian hydropower.
NYISO Begins Discussing Market Rules for Internal Controllable Lines
NYISO staff briefed stakeholders on the schedule for the ISO’s initiative to develop market participation rules for internal controllable lines.
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Van Welie Calls on FERC to Coordinate NE Winter Reliability Conversations
Multiple cold weather close calls in January highlighted what ISO-NE says are vulnerabilities in the region's grid.

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