March 10, 2025

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

Stephen Whitley: A Lifetime of Keeping the Lights On
Former NYISO CEO Stephen Whitley emphasized the importance of infrastructure in his keynote speech  at NECA’s 23rd Annual New England Energy Conference.
NYISO Proposes ‘Class Year’ Tx Study Extensions
NYISO asked FERC to approve Tariff revisions that would make it easier for generators to get a place in the transmission queue “class year.”
Developer Proposes Underwater HVDC Cable to New York City
Empire State Connector filed an application for transmission service on an underwater cable to New York City.
NYISO Plans Change to Ranking of Projects
NYISO is proposing to change stakeholder ranking and prioritize internal projects, effective with the 2017 priority list.
NYISO: FitzPatrick Closure will not Harm Reliability
The closure of Entergy’s FitzPatrick nuclear plant will not impact reliability or leave New York short of generation in 2019.
FERC Orders Further Changes to NYISO RMR Rules
FERC told NYISO that proposed changes to its rules for reliability-must-run generators were inconsistent with Order 1000 and improperly delegated authority.
Utility-Solar Partnership Proposes Net Metering Overhaul
New York utilities and three solar companies proposed a business model that they said would replace net metering and address cost-shifting concerns.
NRC Backs Indian Point in Dispute with NY
NRC approved Entergy’s request to extend the time between leak tests at the Indian Point power plant to 15 years instead of 10.
NYPSC: Minimal Cost to Meet 50% Renewable Goal
New York consumers will see little change in their electric bills as the state switches to renewable energy resources, the NY PSC said.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs
The NYISO Management Committee discussed the record-breaking demand for natural gas last winter, as well as a new method for setting the ISO's demand curve.

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