New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
The New York PSC said FERC should reject the proposal made by NRG Energy to keep the 380-MW Huntley plant in Tonawanda operating.
Transmission upgrades dominated activity in the NYISO footprint in 2015 and promise to occupy headlines in 2016.
FERC accepted NYISO’s fourth Order 1000 compliance filing, rejecting protests from transmission developers.
The NYPSC declared a public policy need for $1.2 billion in transmission upgrades and recommended finalists to make competitive bids to NYISO.
NRG said that it may only need to continue operating one of the two units at the Huntley plant.
Nuclear supporters and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo are trying to keep the plants running.
New York's Reforming the Energy Vision and established NYISO wholesale market proved an irresistible combination for new CEO Bradley Jones.
NYISO says the proposed rules will more closely reflect the real-time value of demand response.
FERC approved PJM’s proposal to move the deadline for submitting day-ahead offers, while also saying NYISO and ISO-NE had justified retaining their existing schedules.
FERC reaffirmed its denial of a complaint that NYISO improperly implemented its buyer-side market power mitigation exemption test.
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