October 10, 2024

North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC)

Stakeholder Soapbox: Your Audit Report may be Worthless
A good audit report isn't enough to protect utilities from federal penalties after a reliability event, argues former NERC official Terry Brinker.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: Dec. 20, 2017
New England utilities updated the ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee on their plans to repair and upgrade their transmission facilities.
NERC Assigns SPP RE Registered Entities to MRO, SERC
NERC is offering the 128 Southwest Power Pool (SPP) registered entities a chance to comment after assigning them all to a new Regional Entity.
NERC Report Urges Preserving Coal, Nuke ‘Attributes’
NERC released its annual Long-Term Reliability Assessment, urging preservation of “essential reliability services.”
Kirha Quick for WECC
WECC Finding New Direction in Old Mission
The Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) board of directors endorsed a new three-year operating plan for the organization.
NERC Parts Ways with Chief Security Officer
Senior Vice President and Chief Security Officer Marcus Sachs, one of seven direct reports to NERC’s CEO, resigned effective Nov. 27, the organization said.
FERC Rejects NERC Bid to Reduce Transparency
FERC rejected the NERC request to eliminate public posting of self-reported compliance exceptions and to expand compliance exceptions.
Cauley Resigns; NERC Launches Search for Replacement
NERC announced that its Board of Trustees has accepted the resignation of CEO Gerry Cauley following his arrest for domestic abuse.
Ukraine Attacks, ‘Fake News’ Color NERC GridEx IV Drill
About 6,500 participants from 450 organizations took part in GridEx IV, the NERC two-day simulated cyber and physical attack.
Cauley Arrest Tied to Relationship with NERC Subordinate
NERC CEO Gerry Cauley seems unlikely to return to his job if his estranged wife’s allegations are true.

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