October 11, 2024

North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC)

FERC: Renewables Must Provide Frequency Response
FERC proposed revising its pro forma GIAs to require all newly interconnecting facilities to install and enable primary frequency response capability.
FERC OKs SPP’s New Out-of-Merit Definition
FERC has accepted the SPP Tariff revisions to the RTO’s out-of-merit energy processes, scotching objections by several wind energy companies.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs
At last week's PJM Operating Committee, members endorsed PJM’s 2016/17 winter weekly reserve targets, but not without first questioning them.
ERCOT Maps out Plan for Changing Reserve Margin Methodology
Texas regulators signed off on ERCOT’s plan to review its reliability standards and replace its loss-of-load expectation methodology for determining its reserve margin with one based on economics.
SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs
The SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee endorsed a 41% increase in a delayed 345-kV project along the Red River in southeastern Oklahoma as reasonable and reset the project’s baseline.
FERC Approves GMD Reliability Standard
FERC OK'd a rule requiring grid operators to protect against geomagnetic disturbances as well as measures on reliability monitoring and frequency control.
MISO Reliability Subcommittee Briefs
The MISO Reliability Subcommittee discussed improving frequency response, pseudo-tie congestion management, and its 2016/17 winter Coordinated Seasonal Assessment.
Cybersecurity Rules Urged for Distribution Companies
Regulators urged their colleagues at the NARUC summer conference to join them in developing cybersecurity rules for electric distribution companies.
FERC Proposes Adopting NAESB Standards
FERC proposes to adopt the new NAESB standards, adopted by its Wholesale Electric Quadrant and filed with FERC last October.
FERC Issues Ride-Through Requirement for Small Generators
Small Generators, defined as under 20 MW, will be required to ride through abnormal frequency and voltage events under a rule approved by FERC.

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