October 11, 2024

North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC)

FERC Issues Ride-Through Requirement for Small Generators
Small Generators, defined as under 20 MW, will be required to ride through abnormal frequency and voltage events under a rule approved by FERC.
FERC Orders NERC to Develop ‘Flexible’ Supply Chain Standard
FERC directed NERC to develop a “forward-looking, objective-based” critical infrastructure protection reliability standard for supply chain management.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs
Two 345-kV lines that were knocked out when a tornado leveled four transmission towers in ComEd territory are back online.
FERC Proposes Protections on CEII
FERC  issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to implement legislation enacted last year to protect the grid from terrorist attacks.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs
Capacity Performance units no longer would be compensated for participating in cold weather testing under a plan by the PJM Operating Committee.
SPP Task Force Prepares to Hand off its Work
The SPP Capacity Margin Task Force conducted its penultimate meeting  as it continues to set up the stakeholder group that will replace it.
10 Years After: FERC Conference Focuses on Grid Resiliency
FERC called a technical conference to mark the 10 years since Congress gave the commission the power to impose mandatory grid reliability standards.
NERC Adds to Warnings on Gas Dependence
NERC released a short-term special assessment that highlighted the reliability risks created by increased dependence on natural gas
FERC Rulings in Brief: Week of May 19
FERC issued a policy statement finalizing rules regarding the use of hold-harmless commitments.
SPP Board of Directors Briefs
The SPP board of directors' approval of the RTO’s first reduction in its planning reserve margin since 1998 almost left members wanting more.

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