Offshore Wind (OSW)
The offshore wind industry and its regulators are examining how best to limit impact on commercial fishing.
Business representatives exhibiting at IPF24 shared their thoughts on the offshore wind summit and on the U.S. industry.
Representatives of Central Atlantic states seek intraregional collaboration on their nascent offshore wind sector.
With decades of experience servicing offshore oil and gas rigs, Louisiana manufacturers are finding offshore wind a natural expansion for their business models.
The leader of New York state's offshore wind initiative told the 2024 International Partnering Forum that the state is pushing forward after its setbacks and so should the industry.
The headline session of the 2024 International Partnering Forum veered heavily toward celebration and optimism for the U.S. offshore wind energy sector.
Innovation and in-state project development will be key to New Jersey’s offshore wind future as the state advances its initiative to create an offshore power center that can connect to homes and businesses onshore, according to speakers at the Wind Institute Research Symposium.
Three provisional contracts totaling 4 GW and constituting the entire result of New York's third offshore wind solicitation have been cancelled.
Relocating two offshore wind points of interconnection from Maine to Massachusetts could reduce New England’s transmission upgrade cost requirements, ISO-NE said.
The 2024 wind energy report by the Global Wind Energy Council shows record growth in 2023 but says much more is needed.
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