Offshore Wind (OSW)
The Department of Energy issued three reports on wind-generated electricity, projecting strong but not uniform growth for the nation’s onshore, offshore and distributed wind power sectors.
The size of the blades tested by the center has increased rapidly in recent years.
The offshore wind sector will need a $100 billion supply chain investment to meet the 2030 targets policymakers have set, a new analysis finds.
Revolution Wind has become the fourth utility-scale U.S. offshore wind project to gain federal approval.
The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management selected two draft wind energy areas off the coast of southern and central Oregon.
Offshore wind power industry leader Ørsted gives an update and outlook for the sector.
New Jersey’s third offshore wind solicitation drew proposals from four developers, including two that would put turbines much farther out to sea than earlier projects.
The first electricity is expected to flow from the landmark offshore Vineyard Wind 1 project this year.
Lobbying data sheds light on the political influence, broad agreements, and simmering tensions that underlie Massachusetts climate and energy policy.
Eversource announced an after-tax impairment charge of $331 million related to the sale of its offshore wind assets in its quarterly earnings call.
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