Offshore Wind (OSW)
Consolidated Edison on Thursday reported 2021 net income of $1.35 billion ($3.86/share), up 22.3% compared with $1.1 billion ($3.29/share) the previous year.
PJM will present stakeholders with study results that seek to explain potential upgrade requirements stemming from the RTO’s generator deliverability proposal.
ISO-NE’s 16th Forward Capacity Auction will likely have similar outcomes to last year’s, observers say, even as debate swirls around the market’s future.
A working document of the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap initiative suggests possibly extending the state’s OSW ban to 75 nautical miles off the coast.
A working document of the Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap initiative suggests possibly extending the state’s OSW ban to 75 nautical miles off the coast.
Con Edison must resolve several regulatory concerns before being authorized to build a new substation in New York City dedicated to interconnecting offshore wind projects.
PJM and New Jersey asked FERC to OK their plan for building transmission to deliver the state’s planned 7,500 MW of offshore wind.
BOEM's plan for addressing fishing industry fears over offshore wind projects drew a skeptical reception at a hearing on six projects for the New York Bight.
The New York Public Service Commission approved requiring offshore wind project developers to provide “mesh-ready” transmission plans in their bids.
BOEM approved the construction and operations plan for the 132-MW South Fork Wind Project off Long Island.
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