October 8, 2024

PJM Interconnection LLC (PJM)

Grid Strategies
Grid Strategies Reports Spiking Congestion Costs
The cost of transmission congestion doubled in organized electricity markets between 2020 and 2021, rising by billions of dollars, according to Grid Strategies.
PJM Seeks to Delay Capacity Auctions Through 2028 Delivery Year
PJM asked FERC to delay its capacity auctions to give the RTO time to incorporate rule changes to address reliability concerns.
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FERC Approves Revisions to PJM’s ELCC Accreditation Model
FERC conditionally approved a PJM proposal to revise its approach to accrediting intermittent and hybrid resources under its ELCC model.
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IPF Panel: MSSC Limits Could Cut OSW Power Coming Onshore
Offshore wind will produce thousands of megawatts of electric power, way more than the onshore transmission system is currently able to absorb, an expert says.
Complaints to FERC over PJM Performance Penalties Multiply
More generator companies filed complaints with FERC alleging that PJM violated its governing documents during its response to the December 2022 winter storm.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LBNL: Interconnection Queues Grew 40% in 2022
LBNL's annual report on interconnection queues showed continued growth in capacity waiting to connect to the grid, even as 2 markets restricted new applicants.
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PJM Presents Alternative Capacity Auction Schedule
PJM presented a draft proposal to delay the next four Base Residual Auctions to the Members Committee during a special meeting.
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IPP Asks FERC to Dismiss PJM Performance Penalties over Elliott Outages
Nautilus Power asked FERC to dismiss penalties over the December 2022 storm, saying PJM failed to provide sufficient notice for their units to purchase gas.
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PJM Presents More Detail on CIFP Proposal
PJM proposed a new reliability metric to address resource adequacy concerns as stakeholders moved forward with plans to overhaul the RTO's capacity market.
Farragutful, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
PJM Hit With $140K Penalty for NERC Violations
PJM will pay $140,000 to ReliabilityFirst as part of a settlement for violations of NERC reliability standards at several facilities, including 2 nuclear sites.

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