September 29, 2024


With Solar Eclipse Looming, CAISO Weighs its Options
CAISO is developing a plan for an Aug. 21 solar eclipse that will sharply reduce the state's solar power for three hours on a Monday morning in summer.
EIM Sees Sharp Increase in Flexible Ramping Test Failures
The Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) experienced a “dramatic uptick” in failed ramping capacity tests in November and December, the CAISO IMM reported.
CAISO Study Backs Use of Renewables for Grid Reliability
Solar photovoltaic resources can provide ancillary services in a way comparable to conventional generating resources, according to a study released by CAISO.
CAISO Planners Looking Ahead to Summer 2017 Solar Eclipse
CAISO is seeking stakeholder input on how to respond to a solar eclipse that will significantly curtail output from California’s growing solar generation portfolio next August.
FERC OKs Ramping Product for CAISO, EIM
FERC approved the CAISO plan to for a new market mechanism for itself and the Western EIM designed to integration of variable renewable energy resources.
MISO Seeks to Launch Ramp Product April 1
MISO will ask FERC for an April 1 effective date on its new ramp capability software, RTO officials said.
SPP Members Weigh First Year of Integrated Marketplace
SPP officials and market participants last week celebrated the first year of its Integrated Marketplace, boasting of its on-time, under-budget delivery.

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