resource capacity accreditation (RCA)
Improvements are required to the Resource Adequacy Assessment used to calculate capacity requirements and develop resource-specific accreditation values, says the technical manager at ISO-NE.
Analysis Group presented its final report on converting ISO-NE's Forward Capacity Market to a prompt, seasonal construct.
FERC has approved ISO-NE’s proposal to delay Forward Capacity Auction 19 by one year, pushing the auction to February 2026.
ISO-NE kicked off work to determine an acceptable level of energy shortfall risk for New England, particularly during extreme weather events.
ISO-NE should move to a prompt and seasonal capacity market to better accommodate the evolving mix of resources and reliability risks in the region, Analysis Group told stakeholders at the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting.
Potential changes to ISO-NE's capacity market include updates to its resource capacity accreditation (RCA) methodology, along with prompt and seasonal capacity market formats.
Analysis Group outlined the methodology of its study of major changes to the structure of ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Market (FCM) at the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting.
Form Energy hopes to use its long-duration iron-air batteries to firm up renewable energy generation across extended stretches in New England.
A range of clean energy stakeholders outlined questions and concerns about the potential changes in ISO-NE's FCA 19.
John Phelan, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Several of the NEPOOL members expressed support for delaying the auction a year to help consider and potentially implement significant changes.
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