seasonal capacity

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Discussion Continues on ISO-NE Capacity Market Changes
ISO-NE presented stakeholders the pros and cons of moving to a prompt and seasonal capacity market.
ISO-NE Considers Major Capacity Market Changes
ISO-NE outlines a potential switch to a prompt and seasonal capacity market.
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PJM Continues CIFP Discussion of Seasonal Capacity Market Proposal
PJM continued its presentation of its proposal to overhaul the capacity market during a June 21 Critical Issue Fast Path process meeting.
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PJM Adds Seasonal Capacity to Stage 3 of CIFP Proposal
PJM presented its CIFP proposal to overhaul the capacity market, with the new addition of a seasonal capacity model.
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MISO: Sufficient 2023/24 Auction No Cause for Comfort
A comfortable result for MISO's 2023/24 auction does not guarantee sufficient capacity during the coming summer, executives said.
FERC Accepts MISO’s Pledge for Annual Capacity Ratio Calculation
FERC on Tuesday accepted a MISO tariff filing, promising to annually update an unforced capacity-to-intermediate seasonal accredited capacity ratio.
MISO: Little Firm Capacity to Spare This Summer
MISO this week said it will likely operate with almost no firm generating capacity to spare to manage typical summertime peaks.
MISO: Auction Results Point to Need for Sloped Demand Curve
MISO executives said the capacity market still needs fixing, warning that the surplus gained from last week’s auction is fleeting without long-term changes.
1st MISO Seasonal Auctions Yield Adequate Supply, Low Prices
The results of MISO’s inaugural seasonal capacity auctions, released late Wednesday, showed sufficient supply for the 2023/24 planning year.
Illinois Regulators Hear from RTOs on Summer Readiness
The Illinois Commerce Commission questioned MISO and PJM officials on their respective RTOs’ preparations for summer, with some concerned about reliability.

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