October 15, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs
The SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee discussed the RTO's settlement with MISO, multiple proposed transmission projects and the decrease in reliability violations.
Study: 60% Wind Penetration Possible in SPP
SPP could handle wind-penetration levels of up to 60% with additional transmission and monitoring tools, officials told the MOPC.
Latest Z2 Credit Project Delay Renews Old Frustrations
Member frustrations with SPP's Z2 crediting project bubbled to the surface again when staff told them of a new delay.
Reduced Reserve Margin Could Cut SPP Capacity Costs
Reducing SPP’s current 13.6% reserve margin to 12% could cut required capacity by about 1,000 MW, saving $86 million annually and $1.3 billion over 40 years.
DOE Announces $220M for Grid Modernization
RTOs and ISOs will take part in 15 research and development projects awarded almost $38 million in funding by the Energy Department.
SPP, MISO Working on M2M Improvements
SPP and MISO are negotiating a set of “guiding principles” to improve the M2M process and reduce congestion costs along their seams.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs
The MISO Market Subcommittee discussed daylight saving time, demand response and the Monitor's latest report.
FERC Orders MISO to Shift Electric Schedule
FERC said MISO's current schedule doesn’t allow gas-fired generators enough time to procure fuel.
SPP Board Approves Budget, SPC Expansion
The SPP board also approved a 2-cent cut in its administrative fee and discussed its proposed response to the Clean Power Plan.
SPP, MISO Conclude Joint Study Empty-Handed
MISO and SPP concluded their first joint study process, saying the exercise was a valuable learning experience even though it failed to produce a single interregional project.

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