Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
John Cupparo has been elected chair of SPP's Board of Directors to replace Susan Certoma, who will remain as a director.
The Bonneville Power Administration plans to issue a draft decision on its day-ahead market participation in August, followed by a final decision in November.
SPP's two independent directors with backgrounds in the Western Interconnection expressed relief and optimism at the grid operator’s collaborative efforts to develop the Markets+ day-ahead market.
The study finds dividing CAISO’s EDAM from SPP’s Markets+ would create seams that pose a different set of problems than challenges seen at the boundaries of full RTOs in other parts of the U.S.
FERC released the latest iteration of its Common Metrics Report on ISO/RTO markets, which evaluates their performance and benefits.
Stakeholders have discussed the likelihood that there may be two day-ahead markets in the West, CAISO’s Extended Day-ahead Market and SPP’s Markets+ and/or RTO West.
GCPA’s membership has elected Beth Garza, a senior adviser for R Street Institute and longtime presence in ERCOT, as its next president.
NextEra CEO John Ketchum said the company relied on 25 years of experience to navigate “clear headwinds for renewables” over the past two years.
Montana-Dakota Utilities filed a complaint against MISO and SPP over a market-to-market flowgate chronically congested by a new cryptocurrency mining operation in SPP.
SPP stakeholders have approved congestion-hedging implementation policies six years in the making that had some likening it to Groundhog Day.
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