Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
MISO and SPP state regulators plan to involve themselves in the RTOs’ discussions about sharing costs from their joint interconnection queue study.
MISO will have a draft portfolio of billions of dollars’ worth of long-range transmission projects by the end of the month.
Electric cat, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
AEP said it intends to sell some or all of its unregulated contracted renewable resources and redirect the proceeds to its transmission assets.
SPP is working to strengthen its relationship with public interest organizations in addressing the evolving grid and its continued focus on decarbonization.
FERC rejected a pair of separate rehearing requests by SPP members related to the RTO’s assignment of network upgrade charges under tariff Attachment Z2.
MISO and SPP said that they will create a Targeted Market Efficiency Project study process to look for even more interregional project opportunities.
In a move that signifies its expanding reach across the Western Interconnection, the Northwest Power Pool has rebranded itself as the Western Power Pool.
A year after Winter Storm Uri, panelists at the NARUC Winter Policy Summit talked about how to prevent climate change from setting off future mass blackouts.
FERC granted NextEra Energy Transmission Southwest’s request to recover all prudently incurred costs associated with an $85.2 million competitive project.
The industry says DOE's Building a Better Grid initiative will prioritize national transmission solutions, allowing more renewable resources on the grid.
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