Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
NERC's 2021-2022 Winter Reliability Assessment warns that the bulk power system faces multiple threats, including severe weather and fuel shortages.
FERC approved a consent agreement between its Office of Enforcement and Golden Spread Electric Cooperative over charges of market manipulation.
David Kitto, CC0 1.0 Universal, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC and NERC released their final report on February's winter storms and the resulting mass outages, with recommendations for future preparedness.
CAISO restarted the stakeholder process to expand its Western Energy Imbalance Market from a real-time to a day-ahead interstate market after a 14-month break.
SPP accrued $21.65 million in market-to-market settlements with MISO during August and September, pushing the total to an all-time high of $183 million.
Amid clashes with MISO on transmission planning and cost allocation, the Entergy State Regional Committee featured introductions to SPP’s and SEEM’s workings.
ACORE's annual Grid Forum focused on infrastructure policy, transmission planning, energy markets and the Biden administration’s agenda.
Vistra continued its recovery from Winter Storm Uri with a solid third quarter, and it already has begun to look toward future investments.
SPP has added Southern Star Gas Pipeline to its membership in a strategic alignment with fuel suppliers and to improve coordination with the gas industry.
SPP’s Board of Directors approved the RTO’s third competitive transmission project, awarding a 345-kV line’s construction to NextEra Energy Transmission.
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