transmission planning
The drive to build 765-kV lines in Texas continues to inch forward, with ERCOT and stakeholders working to provide enough information for regulators to reach a decision by May 1 on which voltage level would best meet demand.
ISO-NE has outlined the transmission and economic models it plans to use to evaluate proposals submitted for the longer-term transmission planning process.
ERCOT stakeholders have approved a pair of protocol changes related to transmission planning as the Texas grid operator continues to grapple with connecting incoming load to its system.
SPP’s Board of Directors approved the grid operator’s “historic” $7.65 billion package of transmission projects, but delayed a decision on a need date for two of the projects after stakeholders pushed back on staff’s staging recommendations.
FERC Order 1920 eventually may provide a structure for long-term, interregional transmission planning, but its anticipated yearslong implementation could mean states will have to lead in planning nearer-term transmission needs, according to a report from the American Council on Renewable Energy and The Brattle Group.
The effort seeks to increase public participation in grid planning and provide technical assistance for planners to help them incorporate energy equity into their processes.
SPP’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee endorsed recommended revision requests from two stakeholder groups as part of the RTO’s effort to strengthen resource adequacy.
The Public Interest and Environmental Organization User Group discussed generation deactivations, filing rights over regional planning and long-term transmission projects with the PJM Board of Managers.
An RMI study about grid-enhancing technologies on the PJM grid found they could save consumers hundreds of millions of dollars a year and speed renewable development.
ISO-NE expects system emissions to fall by nearly half by 2032 as gas generation declines, but projects coal and oil generation to increase to cover winter peak loads.
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