U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

The Landscape of Clean Hydrogen
Report: Hydrogen Hubs Must Expand Beyond Those Chosen by DOE
Hydrogen report says Department of Energy hubs won't be enough and that more generation, and via electrolysis, will be needed.
DOE Awards $26M to Clean Energy Technology Projects
The Department of Energy says it will fund eight projects to demonstrate how solar, wind, storage and other clean energy resources can support the grid.
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DOE Rolls out New Process for Designating Key Transmission Corridors
DOE wants to accelerate transmission projects under development by designating their proposed routes as National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.
DOE: US Needs 200 GW of New Nuclear Power by 2050
DOE is estimating that 500 to 750 GW of clean, firm power — including 200 GW of new nuclear — will be needed to reach net-zero emissions economy-wide by 2050.
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DOE Ramps up Support for LMI Community Solar
Jennifer Granholm announced new funding opportunities and projects aimed at expanding access to solar for low- and moderate-income consumers and communities.
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Congress Doubling Down on Bipartisan Push for ‘Permitting Reform’
Congressional Democrats and Republicans both seek changes to federal permitting rules, but each party seeks to serve different ends.
Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association
NW Hydrogen Hub Supporters Celebrate Region’s Application, Potential
Backers of a proposal intended to draw federal funding to create a hydrogen hub in the Pacific Northwest say their application is ready to be submitted.
Stakeholder Soapbox: New FERC Stance Needed to Improve Winter Storm Readiness
FERC must look beyond reliability standards to boost electric industry winter readiness, says R Street Institute's Michael Giberson.
Niskanen Center
Stakeholder Soapbox: Transmission Keeps the Lights On
FERC must act to strengthen interregional transmission ties to improve reliability, says former Arkansas PSC Chair Ted Thomas.
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OSW Developers Look to Europe on Meshed HVDC Tx
U.S. OSW developers must follow Europe’s example and build out meshed HVDC systems, experts told the International Partnering Forum.

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