September 29, 2024

winter readiness

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FERC Corrects Error on ERCOT Probability Assessment
FERC has corrected an “incorrect statement” by making a small modification to its annual Winter Energy Market and Reliability Assessment issued last week.
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NYISO Monitor: Freezing Weather Could Threaten Eastern NY Reliability
Gas supply to Eastern New York could be limited during freezing weather because demand may exceed interstate pipeline capacity, NYISO’ stakeholders were told.
FERC: Natural Gas Prices to Rise During Mild Winter
FERC staff said the grid seems well positioned to weather the cold months. However, rising demand is expected to drive gas prices higher than last year’s.
MISO: Diminished Emergency Possibilities this Winter
MISO expects to easily navigate normal winter conditions with its firm supply but said a worst-case winter storm in January could exhaust emergency reserves.
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NERC’s Cold Weather Work to Continue in 2023
With the passage of NERC's new cold weather standards, the work of protecting North America’s grid from winter weather has only begun.
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ISO-NE Proposes Tweaks to Inventoried Energy Program
ISO-NE is proposing changes to its winter fuel security plan to answer a court order and account for the swirling global natural gas markets.
New England’s Gas Industry Frets About Cracks in Electric Side
Gas industry representatives proposed market fixes and upgrading pipeline infrastructure as potential solutions to New England's winter fuel supply concerns.
Vegas Plans to ‘Engage Heavily’ in ERCOT Changes
New ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas has come back to a Texas market facing huge changes since he left the state more than a decade ago.
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ERCOT, Texas PUC, Gas Industry Agree Valuable Lessons Learned
ERCOT staff and regulators agreed that the electricity and gas industries are adding weatherization standards to address the 2021 severe winter storm.
FERC Seeking Solutions for New England Winter Reliability
FERC’s members discussed New England's winter fuel security problems and once again highlighted the commission's philosophical divide along party lines.

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