September 19, 2024

Winter Storm Elliott

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PJM Presents More Detail on CIFP Proposal
PJM proposed a new reliability metric to address resource adequacy concerns as stakeholders moved forward with plans to overhaul the RTO's capacity market.
Stakeholder Soapbox: New FERC Stance Needed to Improve Winter Storm Readiness
FERC must look beyond reliability standards to boost electric industry winter readiness, says R Street Institute's Michael Giberson.
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PJM MRC/MC Briefs: March 22, 2023
PJM's vice president of market design told the MRC that the RTO is delaying its estimation of when it will be publishing a report on the December winter storm.
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PJM Chief: Retirements Need to Slow down
PJM needs to slow the pace of generation retirements to avoid reliability problems by 2030, CEO Manu Asthana told the Electric Power Supply Association.
Entergy Arkansas
MISO Winter Recap Centers on December Emergency
MISO’s annual winter lookback focused almost exclusively on operations during the widespread Dec. 23 deep freeze.
NYISO Battered but not Bruised this Winter
December’s winter storm and early February’s cold snap challenged the New York grid, but they did not cause any emergencies, NYISO told the Operating Committee.
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PJM, Stakeholders Present Initial Capacity Market Proposals to RASTF
PJM presented a preliminary proposal to overhaul its capacity market to the Resource Adequacy Senior Task Force.
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PJM Stakeholders Debate Capacity Auction Delays
PJM stakeholders appeared split over proposals to delay the RTO’s capacity auctions to include market rule changes being considered by the Board of Managers.
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PJM OC Briefs: March 9, 2023
The OC approved a proposal to allow for cost recovery for facilities determined critical for interconnection reliability operating limits under NERC standards.
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PJM Monitor: Rise in Fuel Costs Led to Record-high Prices in 2022
Average PJM LMPs doubled to a record-high $80/MWh last year, driven mostly by coal and natural gas prices, the RTO’s Independent Market Monitor reported.

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