September 20, 2024

Winter Storm Elliott

NYISO Operating Committee Briefs: Jan. 23, 2023
NYISO updated the OC on the December snowstorm's impact on grid operations, highlighting a sharp shortfall in scheduled generation on Christmas Eve.
MISO Actions During December Storm Spark Debate
MISO’s December emergency declaration ignited a debate over whether the RTO should enter emergency procedures to sustain its neighbors during extreme weather.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Jan. 18, 2023
NYISO's Business Issues Committee approved proposed tariff revisions to rules for capacity resource interconnection service (CRIS) expiration and transferring.
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PJM OC Briefs: Jan. 12, 2023
While fuel inventories fell during last month’s winter storm, PJM’s Brian Fitzpatrick told the Operating Committee that they are on track to recover.
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PJM Gas Generator Failures Eyed in Elliott Storm Review
PJM expects to issue at least $1 billion in penalties over generation outages in December, when plummeting temperatures stretched the region to its limits.

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