March 25, 2025

April 2014

Bankers: Change Timing on Capacity Revenue Reassignments
PJM rules are making it difficult for banks to purchase the capacity revenue from providers' streams, Citigroup Energy told the MRC last week.
Company Briefs
News briefs on companies in PJM Interconnection: This week we spotlight Duke Energy, Exelon, NRG Energy, Exelon, Exel Energy, FirstEnergy, ComEd, and AEP.
FERC Clears Capacity Import Limits
In a win for PJM generation owners, FERC approved a rule change that will reduce capacity imports and likely increase clearing prices.
Ott: Need to Reconsider ARR Allocations
PJM will ask stakeholders to consider changing the historical allocation of Auction Revenue Rights.
Generic Transition Mechanism for Capacity Changes Dropped
PJM withdrew a proposal to develop a generic transition mechanism to hold capacity providers harmless for future rule changes.
Increased FMU Costs Lend Urgency to Fix
PJM's payments to frequently mitigated units jumped significantly over the winter, lending urgency to efforts to reduce “adder” payments.
Monitor: Rule Changes Could Almost Triple Capacity Revenues
Adopting the Market Monitor’s proposed changes to capacity market rules could almost triple auction revenues, the Monitor said last week.
Members to Consider Easier Sharing of Real-Time Generator Data
Members agreed to consider an easier method for transmission owners to access real-time generator data, an effort intended to improve situational awareness and emergency response.
State Briefs
News briefs from the states within the PJM footprint. This week we include Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
Quick Transmission Fixes Approved by FERC
FERC approved PJM’s plan for selecting transmission projects that can easily and cheaply resolve constraints in Locational Delivery Areas (LDAs).

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