March 11, 2025
Manual Changes Endorsed by MRC
The following PJM manual changes were endorsed by the Markets and Reliability Committee on Nov. 21.

Changes to the following PJM manuals were endorsed by the Markets and Reliability Committee on Nov. 21.

Manual 13: Emergency Procedures  

Reason for Change: Updates to terms, procedures and day-ahead scheduling reserve components.

Impacts: Sets Load Forecast Error and Forced Outage Rate effective Jan. 1. References to interruptible load for reliability (ILR), no longer a valid term, are removed. Revised order of emergency procedures so that curtailment of non-essential plant and building load is curtailed as step 6, prior to issuing a manual load dump warning (step 7) and voltage reduction (step 8).

PJM Contact: Chris Pilong, Tom Hauske

Manual 14A: Generation and Transmission Interconnection Process

Reason for Change: Align cost allocation rules for new service customers with Tariff.

Impacts: Changes terminology.

PJM Contact: Aaron Berner

Manual 14B: PJM Region Transmission Planning Process   

Reason for Change: Need to alert transmission interconnection customers sooner of potential upgrade requirements.

Impacts: Commercial probability multipliers changed. (See Transmission Studies to Flag Upgrades Earlier.)

PJM Contact: Aaron Berner

Manual 15: Cost Development Guidelines  

Reason for Change:  A problem statement concerning cyclic peaking and starting factors was referred to CDS by the MRC. CDS came to consensus on the issue at their September 2013 meeting.

Impacts: Resource owners shall use Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) values if available and grandfather in OEM values for technologies no longer being built. Section 11.5 changed to read “Battery and Flywheel Units do not have No Load costs.”

PJM Contact: Jeff Schmidt

Manual 18: PJM Capacity Market  

Reason for Change: Conforming revisions to reflect filings ER12-513, ER13-535, ER13-2140, ER13-1023.

Impacts: Updates Cost of New Entry (CONE) values; revises Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR); changes deadline for submission of must-offer exemption request; corrects NEPA qualification calculation; other changes.

PJM Contact: Jeff Bastian

Manual 41: Managing Interchange

Reason for Change: Both Manual 41 and the Regional Practices Document cover topics related to interchange scheduling.

Impacts: The content of Manual 41 will be merged into the Regional Practices document and Manual 41 will be retired.

PJM Contact: Chris Pacella

Capacity MarketPJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Other Committees & TaskforcesTransmission Planning

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