March 12, 2025
PJM to Survey Generators on Resource Flexibility
PJM plans to survey generation owners to determine what can be done to increase resource flexibility.

PJM plans to survey generation owners to determine what can be done to increase resource flexibility.

Adam Keech, manager of wholesale market operations, told the Operating Committee that the survey will “be looking at the decline in generation flexibility in the last five-ten years,” a worrisome trend that recent weather events — and accompanying unforced outages that seriously challenged grid reliability — have brought to the fore.

“We want to know, ‘What are the [barriers] to resource flexibility?’” said Keech. “Is it a case of [older] generators not being able to run as much? Is it market rules or fuel … limitations? It will be a mixed bag of questions for generators.”

Keech said PJM will request feedback by April 1 and evaluate responses during the second quarter of this year. The goal is to offer solutions on how to increase resource flexibility by the end of the year.

GenerationPJM Operating Committee (OC)Transmission Operations

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