FERC to Relax OATT Rules for Tie Lines
FERC said it will grant a blanket waiver from OATT requirements for utilities whose only transmission assets are generator tie lines.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission said it intends to grant a blanket waiver from Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) requirements for utilities whose only transmission assets are generator tie lines. The revisions are detailed in a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (RM14-11).

Current policy requires a tie line owner to make excess capacity available to third parties unless it can justify its plans for future use of the line. The NOPR would allow tie line owners to wait until a third-party request for service is made under sections 210 and 211 of the Federal Power Act before having to demonstrate their plans.

The proposed changes follow a technical conference and a Notice of Inquiry issued in April 2012.

FERC & FederalGeneration

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