September 21, 2024
45-Minute Rule for Interchange Transactions Dropped
PJM members endorsed the removal of a requirement that interchange transactions last at least 45 minutes to comply with a FERC mandate.

The Market Implementation Committee last week endorsed the removal of a requirement that interchange transactions last at least 45 minutes to comply with a mandate by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

FERC ruled in April that PJM’s 45-minute rule did not comply with Order 764, which required 15-minute energy scheduling intervals with 20-minute notifications. (See FERC Rejects PJM Schedule Rules.)

The MIC waived the first read so the changes would be effective by the implementation date required in the FERC order. PJM removed the 45-minute restriction from the EES application and from the Regional Practices document effective May 19. The Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed the changes in May.

Order 764, issued in 2012, is intended to remove barriers to variable generation sources such as wind.

Energy MarketFERC & FederalGenerationPJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)

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