NYISO Asks if ICAP Order Includes the Lower Hudson Valley
NYISO asked FERC if a recent order meant to mitigate market power in the installed capacity market in New York City would apply to its new capacity zone in the Lower Hudson Valley.

NYISO asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission this week if a recent order meant to mitigate market power in the installed capacity market in New York City would apply to its new capacity zone in the Lower Hudson Valley (EL07-39-006). NYISO wants an expedited ruling by Monday because market participants are preparing for the May monthly auction. Enrollment closes on Wednesday.

The order accepted NYISO’s compliance filing with the exception of its proposal to grant a blanket exemption from offer floor calculations for all payments and other benefits to special case resources (SCR) under state programs. An SCR is a demand-side resource that participates as a supplier in NYISO’s capacity market. (See FERC Upholds Most of New York City Market Power Order.)

NYISO said it is clear the order requires revisions to state programs for SCRs in New York City and will be included in determinations under buyer-side capacity market power mitigation rules. “It is not clear whether that revision is also to apply to new SCRs in the Load Zones G, H and I (i.e., those within the G-J Locality) or in any mitigated capacity zones that may be created in the future,” NYISO wrote.

The New York Transmission Owners on Thursday opposed the NYISO petition, saying it was counter to the plain language meaning contained in the FERC order. “The clarification request is, in substance, an untimely motion asking the commission to expand the scope of a March 19, 2015, ruling in this proceeding far beyond that expressly established by the commission and addressed by the parties during the more than seven years that this proceeding has been pending,” it wrote.

Capacity MarketNew York

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