January 24, 2025
NEPOOL PC Approves Tariff Changes for Aggregated DERs
NEPOOL's <span style="color: rgb(65, 65, 65); letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; display: inline !important; float: none;">Participants Committee</span> vote moved one step closer to distributed energy resources being able to participate in ISO-NE's markets.
NEPOOL's Participants Committee vote moved one step closer to distributed energy resources being able to participate in ISO-NE's markets. | Shutterstock
NEPOOL's Participants Committee approved ISO-NE's proposal for allowing aggregated distributed energy resources to participate in the markets.

BOSTON — The NEPOOL Participants Committee on Thursday approved ISO-NE’s proposed tariff changes aimed at allowing distributed energy resource aggregations (DERA) to participate in the RTO’s markets. 

The changes, intended to comply with FERC Order 2222, would create two new market participation models for DERAs and tweak five existing ones. 

The proposal sets a minimum size of 100 kW for DERAs in all of the models and includes an opt-in provision which prohibits aggregation bids from distribution companies below 4 million MWh in annual sales unless the relevant retail regulatory authority signs off.

Participation models for DERAs (NEPOOL) Content.jpgISO-NE’s Order 2222 compliance filing would create two new market participation models for DERAs and tweak five existing ones.  | NEPOOL

It creates a four-stage registration process to allow a distribution utility to confirm the necessary capabilities to participate in a DERA. Other changes would amend Forward Capacity Market rules to allow DERAs to take part. 

The changes to the FCM would go into effect in the fourth quarter of 2022, and the others not until 2026. 

Advanced Energy Economy (AEE), which argued that the proposal fails to remove significant barriers to market participation for DERAs, submitted seven amendments while it was under consideration in the Markets Committee. But those were voted down and the group declined to bring the amendments to a vote again for this week’s PC meeting. (See Stakeholders Approve ISO-NE Order 2222 Compliance Plan)

AEE declined to comment on whether it will  advocate for changes once the proposal is under consideration by FERC. 

ISO-NE has until Feb. 2 to file the proposal. 

Billing, FCM Settlement Changes

The PC also voted Thursday on several other items, including changes to the way ISO-NE handles requests for billing adjustments. The requests will now have to be submitted via the AskISO system, instead of by email, because cybersecurity measures have “in some cases hampered receipt” of the requests, according to the RTO. 

The PC also approved a change to convert certain credits and charges associated with the FCM from a monthly settlement to a daily settlement. The proposal will reduce financial assurance for load serving entities and accelerate payments to resource providers, the RTO said. 

Consent agenda

The committee also approved: 

  • changes to Planning Procedure 10 (Planning Procedure to Support the Forward Capacity Market), including conforming changes for ER21-640, related to qualification of non-commercial resources in annual reconfiguration auctions, and ER19-343, related to the modeling of peaking generation in reliability reviews;
  • changes to Operating Procedure 16K (Transmission System Data – Submission of Short Circuit Data), part of a biennial review with minor updates to process flow diagram; and
  • changes to Operating Procedure 3 (Transmission Outage Scheduling), part of biennial review with minor edits and grammatical revisions.
NEPOOL Participants Committee

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