March 14, 2025
PJM OC Briefs: Dec. 5, 2024
A PJM graphic details the factors driving underforecasting on three days in November.
A PJM graphic details the factors driving underforecasting on three days in November. | PJM
The PJM Operating Committee endorsed a pair of manual revisions, updating definitions to be more clear and approving a quick fix proposal.

Manual 1 Revisions Endorsed 

The Operating Committee endorsed a pair of revisions to Manual 1: Control Center and Data Exchange Requirements, updating definitions to be clearer and more in line with other manuals through the document’s periodic review and approving a quick-fix proposal to detail alternate communication methods available as backups if SCADA software fails. (See “PJM Presents Revisions to Manual 1 Addressing Hybrid Resource Rules, Loss of EMS Real Time Assessment,” PJM OC Briefs: Nov 8, 2024.) 

The quick fix, which allows a proposal and issue charge to be voted on together, adds language on PJM’s AltSCADA communication process for transmitting inter-control center communications (ICCP) links between transmission owners and PJM using PJM’s SecureShare protocol and spreadsheet file formats. The revisions also include requirements for alternate data and expand PJM’s view-only mode for preventing ICCP data from being edited during planned maintenance windows where the risk of incorrect data being submitted is increased. 

PJM’s Ryan Nice said the AltSCADA proposal covers a wide range of catastrophic SCADA errors at a low cost and provides a lot of value. Some TOs are integrating the alternate modes into their systems, and he’s hopeful more will as well. 

November Operating Metrics

PJM saw a 1.25% hourly and 1.44% peak forecast error rate in November, both below the 25-month rolling average, according to lead engineer Marcus Smith. Three days saw underforecasting error just over the RTO’s 3% benchmark target on Nov. 10, 15 and 28. Cooler than expected temperatures were factors for all three days, as well as overcast conditions and rain on the 10th and 28th 

The month saw three shared reserve events, three spin events, one conservative operations alert and 12 post contingency local load relief warnings (PCLLRWs). Two shortage cases were approved Nov. 22 due to generators tripping offline and interchange. 

The spin event was issued Nov. 10 and lasted 10 minutes and 49 seconds. A total of 1,919 MW of reserves were committed, including 481 MW of demand response (DR) with an average response rate of 77% — higher for DR resources at 94%. 

Other Committee Business:

The day-ahead scheduling reserve (DASR) value for 2025 increased to 4.5% for 2025, up 0.1% from the previous year, setting the minimum operating reserve that will be in place Jan. 1. The value is a combination of the three-year average load forecast error, which was 2.19%, and forced outage rate, at 2.31%. Stakeholders endorsed revisions to Manual 13: Emergency Operations during the Nov. 8 OC meeting to codify how the DASR is used to determine when the 30-minute reserve requirement may be insufficient. (See “Stakeholders Endorse Quick Fix Solution on Day Ahead Scheduling Reserve Calculation,” PJM OC Briefs: Nov 8, 2024.) 

The committee endorsed by acclamation revisions to Manual 14D: Generator Operational Requirements drafted through the document’s periodic review. The changes are set to be considered by the Markets and Reliability Committee during its Dec. 18 meeting.  

Language presented during first reads of the document that would have added a new Section 8.4 detailing the rules for repowering a wind generator was removed following stakeholder feedback, with some of the provisions instead included in Attachment E and Section 8.2.1. 

An existing requirement that new resources must submit reactive capability curves to PJM before entering commercial service would be clarified, as well as a requirement that such generators complete reactive testing within 90 days of beginning operations. A note was added to Section 10 stating that information about black start is confidential and clarifying data sharing around cold weather operating limits.  

PJM’s Eli Ramsay notified the committee that the RTO will open its winter fuel inventory data request from Dec. 5 through 16 to catalog fuel availability at the start of the season. The request will remain open through March 15, with updates requested during the first week of each month. 

PJM Operating Committee (OC)Reserves

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