March 14, 2025
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Dec. 10, 2024
Fore River Energy Center in Weymouth, Mass.
Fore River Energy Center in Weymouth, Mass. | Calpine
ISO-NE continued work with stakeholders on its capacity auction reform project at the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting, previewing 2025 discussions on the transition to a prompt capacity auction.

ISO-NE continued work with stakeholders on its capacity auction reform (CAR) project at the NEPOOL Markets Committee (MC) meeting Dec. 10, previewing 2025 discussions on the transition to a prompt capacity auction.  

ISO-NE plans to kick off detailed discussions on a prompt capacity auction and associated resource retirement reforms in early 2025. The prompt changes are intended to reduce the time between capacity auctions and capacity commitment periods from more than three years to just a few months. 

The RTO intends to file these changes with FERC in late 2025 before starting work on a second filing focused on accreditation reforms and developing a seasonal capacity market. The filings are intended to be complementary, but the initial filing must be able to stand on its own. ISO-NE intends for both filings to take effect for the 2028/29 CCP (CCP19). 

For resource retirements, the move to a prompt auction would require the RTO to “decouple the deactivation process” from the capacity auction bidding process, Chris Geissler of ISO-NE said. While resources currently indicate their plans to retire through the forward capacity market, a prompt market would not provide enough time for ISO-NE to respond to these retirements before the CCP.  

When decoupled from the capacity market, “deactivation notices would be due less than four years in advance, but well before the auction is run to allow the ISO time to assess whether the deactivation raises any concerns with respect to local transmission security or market power,” Geissler said.  

The move to a prompt market also would require ISO-NE to evaluate how it treats resource entry. While the current forward capacity market allows resources that are not yet in operation to bid into the market, this has caused some “ghost capacity” issues, in which resources that fail to come online in time for the CCP affect the clearing price. 

“Under a prompt auction, where the auction is run much closer to the delivery period, new resource qualification can be substantially simplified,” Geissler said. “The shorter auction activity timeline and new resource qualification rules may alleviate the concerns about phantom entry and delayed operation that exist today.” 

IMM Report

Also at the MC, the ISO-NE Internal Market Monitor (IMM) presented its markets report for summer 2024, which found that “energy market outcomes were competitive, energy supply mitigation was infrequent and there was no evidence of impactful capacity withholding overall.” 

The overall wholesale market value increased by about 21% over the 2023 value, Kathryn Lynch of the IMM said. While gas prices were down by about 21%, this was offset by higher loads and resource retirements, Lynch noted. 

Real-time reserve payments also increased to nearly $24 million — compared to about $4 million in 2023 — because of longer capacity scarcity events, Lynch said.  

The system experienced two capacity scarcity conditions over the summer, which were driven by generator outages and high loads, Lynch said. Oil resources took a significant financial hit during these events, receiving more than $18 million in net pay-for-performance (PFP) charges across both events. Non-combined-cycle dual-fuel resources received more than $12 million in net PFP charges, and coal resources received nearly $4 million in charges. 

In contrast, imports performed extremely well during these events, earning nearly $29 million in net PFP credits, while nuclear resources and combined-cycle dual-fuel resources each earned more than $3 million in net PFP credits.  

MC Votes

Prior to the meeting, NEPOOL announced the MC has elected Ben Griffiths of LS Power as vice chair for 2025. 

The committee voted to approve market rule revisions clarifying the metering of storage as transmission-only assets. The MC also referred to the Generation Information System (GIS) Working Group a proposal from the Vermont Public Utility Commission to make changes to the GIS system “to reflect the addition of a new tier of resources to the Vermont Renewable Energy Standard.” 

NEPOOL Markets Committee

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