NERC & Committees
The North American Electric Reliability Corp., a not-for-profit authority, regulates reliability and security standards for the bulk power system in the continental U.S., Canada, and the northern portion of Baja California, Mexico. NERC is subject to oversight by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and governmental authorities in Canada
NERC laid out a framework for transmission planners and planning coordinators to include cybersecurity in planning studies to address rapidly evolving threats.
NERC’s new cold weather standards give utilities considerable freedom in implementation, which is both an opportunity and a danger, Texas RE heard.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC said last week that “by operation of law” it would not reconsider its approval of one of NERC’s new cold weather reliability standards.
NERC’s Standards Committee moved forward with four standards development projects, including one that could lead to new rules for inverter-based resources.
NERC will consider changes to its reliability standard for physical security in response to the threat of violence against grid assets.
A new report suggests that electric utilities and the EV industry need to work together to address the charging behavior of EVs during grid disturbances.
The North American electric grid remains under threat from “capable adversaries” around the world, E-ISAC staff told a forum on Thursday.
NERC CEO Jim Robb said he felt “sobered by the amount of work in front of us” but confident the ERO can address the grid’s “hyper complex risk environment.”
Farragutful, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
PJM will pay $140,000 to ReliabilityFirst as part of a settlement for violations of NERC reliability standards at several facilities, including 2 nuclear sites.
FERC must look beyond reliability standards to boost electric industry winter readiness, says R Street Institute's Michael Giberson.
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