March 11, 2025

ERO Insider

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NY State Reliability Council Executive Committee Briefs: May 12, 2023
The N.Y. State Reliability Council Executive Committee indicated its Installed Capacity Subcommittee may increase the amount of 10-minute reserve assumptions.
Study: Limited Exposure to Supply Shortfall for ISO-NE During Extreme Weather
Study looks at severe weather scenarios based on historical data going back to 1950, finds manageable risks of supply shortfall.
Grid Strategies
Minimum Transfer Capability Between Regions Debated at FERC
Parties filing comments with FERC on expanding interregional transfer capability mostly supported the concept, though opinions were split on how to get there.
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Regan: New EPA Standards Designed to not Jeopardize Grid Reliability
The EPA administrator said his agency’s proposed CO2 emission standards for power plants target “the most egregious sources” without compromising reliability.
NERC Board of Trustees/MRC Briefs: May 10-11, 2023
NERC's Board of Trustees on Thursday approved the organization’s first-ever Level 3 alert at its quarterly meeting.
Cancel: Dragos Breach Did Not Compromise E-ISAC
Cybersecurity firm Dragos, a partner of the Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center, suffered a cyber breach that exposed customer information.
DOE Awards $26M to Clean Energy Technology Projects
The Department of Energy says it will fund eight projects to demonstrate how solar, wind, storage and other clean energy resources can support the grid.
NERC Publishes Cybersecurity Planning Framework
NERC laid out a framework for transmission planners and planning coordinators to include cybersecurity in planning studies to address rapidly evolving threats.
Western Plan to Add 13 GW by Summer Comes with Risks
Up to 13 GW of new generation and storage resources are planned to come online in the Western Interconnection by the end of this summer.
NPCC Warns of Tight Summer Margins in Ontario
Canada’s Ontario and Maritimes provinces may have to rely on energy imports and operating procedures to meet energy needs this summer, the NPCC said.

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