Fossil Fuels

NHTSA Proposes 66.4-mpg Fuel Efficiency for Passenger Cars by 2032
The NHTSA issued a proposal for a major increase in national fuel efficiency standards for cars, light-duty trucks and some heavy-duty vehicles.
More Environmental Information Required for Western Mass. Gas Pipeline
The state found Eversource's Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Western Massachusetts gas pipeline to be inadequate.
MVP Southgate Extension Request Gets Mixed Reception at FERC
Mountain Valley Pipeline elicited written protests for asking FERC for a three-year extension to build the Southgate extension of the pipeline.
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Overheard at NARUC Summer Policy Summit 2023
NARUC's annual Summer Policy Summit attracted more than 1,000 attendees for discussions on understanding and preparing for the challenges that lie ahead.
Lansing Board of Water and Light
Michigan Capital-area Utility Outlines $750M Plan to Reduce Emissions
Lansing Board of Water and Light will invest $750 million in renewables, storage and natural gas over the next decade and pledged to be carbon neutral by 2040.
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Court Dismisses Environmental Justice Petitions Against Weymouth Compressor
In a blow to local environmental justice groups, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed challenges to FERC's authorization of the Weymouth Compressor Station.
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PJM Promises to Work with Ohio Legislators on Cost Allocation
PJM responded to Ohio legislators' concerns about the cost impact of Illinois' climate policy, saying it could not split Ohio out of related transmission planning and pledging to work with lawmakers going forward.
Rhodium Group
IRA Gets US Emissions Close to Pledged Levels, Report Finds
The IRA is pushing carbon cuts like no other enacted policy in the U.S.,  but more needs to be done to meet the international pledges from the Paris Agreement, Rhodium Group said in a report.
New York Seeks to Define Zero Emissions
New York is looking at a broader array of solutions as fossil plants retire and not enough renewables come online.
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Cap-and-trade Driving up Washington Gasoline Prices, Critics Say

Critics of Washington’s cap-and-trade system blame it for the state's high gas prices, but defenders say other factors are at play too.

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