September 28, 2024

Transmission & Distribution

California Duck Curve Getting Deeper
California's duck curve deepened to new levels this spring as solar capacity increased, at times exceeding demand, the Energy Information Administration said.
Clean Energy Bills Stack up in NJ Legislature
New Jersey lawmakers are considering a pile of proposed laws related to clean energy as the legislature nears its summer recess.
NERC Committee Delays Guidance on Grid-Forming Batteries
A whitepaper on a pressing matter — managing battery systems connected to the grid — bogged down in a debate over its details as NERC’s Reliability and Security Technical Committee met Wednesday.
Wood Mackenzie
WoodMac: More than 1.8 GW of US Energy Storage Projects Delayed in Q1
After a strong showing last year, the U.S. energy storage market shrank in the first quarter of 2023, with grid-scale installations dropping 21% year over year, according to a new report.
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EBA Roundtable Examines New York’s Transmission Buildout
New York state's effort to create an extensive clean energy generation and transmission infrastructure was a topic of interest at the Energy Bar Association meeting last week.
Clean Path New York
Clean Path NY Joins Calls for Inflation Adjustment
Clean Path NY asked to be included in any inflation adjustments approved for Tier 1 RECs, saying generators would otherwise shun its transmission project.
Electric Power Research Institute
How Much Energy It Will Take to Electrify Trucking
Achieving net zero emissions from transportation by 2050 will require an additional 1,800 terawatt-hours per year, the Electric Power Research Institute said.
NY Legislature Passes Bill to ID Grid Upgrades Necessary for EVs
New York's State Legislature passed a bill that would require state agencies and utilities to identify grid improvements for an EV highway and charging network.
Experts Call for More Engagement, Shorter Timelines for Clean Projects
Building public support for clean energy projects will require shorter timelines and increased community engagement, experts told industry participants.
NJ BPU Pulls Offshore Tx Project Mod from Agenda After Complaint
New Jersey’s Board of Public Utilities pulled an agenda item modifying the state’s offshore transmission project after a Division of Rate Counsel complaint.

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