September 28, 2024

NEPOOL Markets Committee

Analysis Group
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Jan. 11, 2024
Analysis Group presented its final report on converting ISO-NE's Forward Capacity Market to a prompt, seasonal construct.
Analysis Group
Analysis Group Recommends Prompt, Seasonal Capacity Market for ISO-NE
ISO-NE should move to a prompt and seasonal capacity market to better accommodate the evolving mix of resources and reliability risks in the region, Analysis Group told stakeholders at the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting.
Analysis Group Details Methodology of ISO-NE Capacity Market Study
Analysis Group outlined the methodology of its study of major changes to the structure of ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Market (FCM) at the NEPOOL Markets Committee meeting.
ISO-NE Details FCA 19 Domino Effect
Some clean energy stakeholders have expressed concerns about the impacts that delaying ISO-NE's FCA 19 would have on new resources looking to secure capacity rights in the auction.  
Deepwater Wind
ISO-NE Recommends Delaying FCA 19
A range of clean energy stakeholders outlined questions and concerns about the potential changes in ISO-NE's FCA 19.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Aug. 8-10, 2023
New England wholesale market costs were significantly lower in the spring of 2023 compared to spring 2022 and 2021, the ISO-NE Internal Market Monitor told the Markets Committee.
John Phelan, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
NEPOOL Debates Options for FCA 19
Several of the NEPOOL members expressed support for delaying the auction a year to help consider and potentially implement significant changes.
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Discussion Continues on ISO-NE Capacity Market Changes
ISO-NE presented stakeholders the pros and cons of moving to a prompt and seasonal capacity market.
ISO-NE Market Monitor Reports Decreased Winter Energy Costs
ISO-NE wholesale market costs fell in winter 2023 year-over-year, but capacity market costs increased.
Fletcher, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE Plans 2025 Launch for Day-Ahead Ancillary Services Initiative
ISO-NE is targeting 2025 for the launch of its Day-Ahead Ancillary Services Initiative, to ensure reliable next‐day operating plans with increasing renewables.

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