ERCOT stakeholders have begun discussions on a pair of protocol revision requests related to the grid operator’s real-time co-optimization and battery project, set to go live in December.
ISO-NE revised its compliance proposal for FERC Order 904 to allow generators to be compensated for reactive power outside the standard power factor range.
The federal government has put on hold nearly $1 million in funding toward the development of a new independent Western RO to oversee CAISO’s WEIM and EDAM, the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative’s Launch Committee said.
One of the major topics at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit was demand growth driven by data centers, which brings plenty of uncertainty with it.
NYISO presented the Installed Capacity Working Group with two proposals it plans to file with FERC to give itself the means to collect duties in case President Donald Trump’s tariff on Canadian energy imports applies to electricity.
BPA will be on the hook for nearly $27 million in funding for the next phase of SPP’s Markets+ — and potentially more depending on the market’s final footprint, according to a document SPP filed with FERC.
Public Service Company of Colorado asked the Colorado Public Utilities Commission for permission to join SPP’s Markets+.
PJM stakeholders voted for a third consecutive meeting to delay acting on revisions to Manual 14H intended to clarify when developers may add or remove parcels from their project footprint.
A new Advanced Energy United/Grid Strategies report estimates that better PJM interconnection processes could save consumers billions of dollars.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed a proposal to rework how demand response resources are modeled in the effective load carrying capability framework.
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