Energy Market
ISO-NE’s wholesale market costs last fall declined 38% year over year to $1.5 billion, with both energy and capacity market costs decreasing significantly.
In its first report since the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic forced most Texans to stay at home, ERCOT has seen a weekly 2% reduction in energy usage.
Former ERCOT staffer Carrie Bivens will soon begin her new role as director of the grid operator’s Independent Market Monitor.
SPP stakeholders approved the initial set of protocols that will guide the RTO’s Western Energy Imbalance Service market in the Western Interconnection.
MISO is stepping up efforts to understand how markets will function with the possible participation of heavy concentrations of distributed energy resources.
FERC approved MISO’s proposal to bar participants from its market when it identifies evidence of default, manipulation or unreasonable risk.
PJM Board Chair Ake Almgren opened the MRC meeting by introducing a redesigned compliance hotline for personnel and stakeholders to report violations.
The Members Committee approved changes to PJM’s fuel-cost policy rules, but not before another round of animated debate over force majeure events.
ISO-NE’s Energy Security Improvements initiative hit a snag when the NEPOOL Markets Committee failed to recommend it to the Participants Committee.
MISO Board of Directors Chair Phyllis Currie reflected on the unprecedented circumstances that converted the RTO’s Board Week into a teleconference format.
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