PJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)
The PJM Market Implementation Committee endorsed manual revisions codifying the real-time temporary exceptions process for generators to report any issues that may prevent them from operating to their unit-specific parameters.
The Market Implementation Committee discussed PJM's analysis of how proposed Critical Issue Fast Path filings before FERC might have impacted the 2024/25 Base Residual Auction results.
PJM’s MIC heard updates on capacity market proposals pending before FERC and began a review of how energy efficiency resources participate in the market.
Generators that plan to come online by the start of the 2025/26 delivery year will have until Dec. 12 to notify PJM of their intent to participate in the Base Residual Auction for that year.
The PJM Market Implementation Committee endorsed the creation of a fifth cost of new entry area for the Commonwealth Edison zone, as well as two proposals aiming to limit the prospective performance impact of implementing multi-schedule modeling in the market clearing engine.
Voltus withdrew a demand response resource issue charge, while AEP and Dominion proposed a capacity obligation issue charge.
PJM's Market Implementation Committee endorsed one of several packages to create new rules for generators with co-located load and rejected four proposals revising how generators providing reactive power service are compensated.
PJM's Market Implementation Committee discussed potential changes to reactive power compensation and the progress of developing new market clearing engine software.
The MIC voted against endorsing a proposal to expand the scope of the Reactive Power Compensation Task Force to include discussion of existing service rates.
PJM proposed creation of a new cost of new entry area for the ComEd zone during discussions about how to account for local factors in calculating net CONE.
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