October 6, 2024

PJM Planning Committee (PC)

PJM to Order Temperature Adjustments on Steam Units
PJM will require all steam generators to adjust their capacity ratings based on summer peak load conditions under manual changes outlined to the PC and MIC last week.
PC, TEAC Swap Meeting Dates with MIC
The Planning and Transmission Expansion Advisory committees will swap their meeting dates with the Market Implementation Committee in December.
Import Cap Approved; Capacity Prices May Rise
PJM will reduce the volume of imports that clear in next year’s Base Residual Auction – potentially increasing capacity prices – under methodology approved by the Planning Committee yesterday.
Capacity Import Limit a Moving Target
PJM’s capacity import limit seems to be changing almost daily, based on reports provided to stakeholders.
Electric Storage Webinar Set for Oct. 29
The PJM Planning Committee will hold an electric storage webinar, the planning committee's first educational session, from 1-4 p.m. Oct. 29.
Import Cap Likely to Settle About 9,000 MW
PJM is considering five capacity import zones with a combined limit (e.g. import cap) of 8,400 to 11,000 MW, officials told the Planning Committee Friday.
Transmission Studies to Flag Upgrades Earlier
PJM will flag potential upgrade requirements earlier in the transmission study process under manual changes outlined last week to the Planning Committee.
Imports May Clear Lower with Transmission Limits
Capacity imports could clear at lower prices than internal resources under proposed import limits being considered by PJM.
Short Circuit Analysis to be Changed
The Planning Committee last week endorsed changes to Manual 14B: PJM Region Transmission Planning Process to improve the procedure for analyzing and addressi...
Increased Installed Reserve Margin OKd for 2014
The Planning Committee endorsed PJM staff’s recommendation to increase the Installed Reserve Margin (IRM) to 16.2% for delivery year 2014/15 (up from 15.9% in the 2012 analysis).

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