September 30, 2024


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Overheard at the NARUC Annual Meeting
Discussion topics at the NARUC annual meeting ran the gamut from affordable electrification to resilience, supply chain snarls and pipeline infrastructure.
NYISO Reports Adequate Capacity for Winter
NYISO on Tuesday reported sufficient capacity this winter to meet forecasted peak demand conditions, with a total of 42,415 MW of resources available.
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Overheard at NECBC Energy Conference: NECEC Line ‘Will be Built’
The recent rejection of the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line was a top concern for attendees at NECBC's Executive Energy Conference.
Texas Admin Monitor
PUC Spins its Wheels on New ERCOT Market Design
The clock continues to tick on the Texas PUC's self-imposed December deadline for a market redesign, with the regulators no closer to consensus.
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Castor: House Democrats ‘100% United’ on Clean Energy Transition
The critical role transmission must play in grid decarbonization is the key theme at the ACORE Grid Forum, but politics were a constant, tangential concern.
Overheard at 73rd NECPUC Symposium
Natural gas supplies, carbon pricing and transmission were among the topics at the 73rd New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners Symposium.
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Greening Gas System is an ‘Enormous Task,’ Researcher Says
Upgrading the gas pipeline network could prepare existing infrastructure to carry zero-carbon fuels, but it's an “enormous task,” researcher Erin Blanton said.
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Overheard at OPSI 2021 Annual Meeting
The future of the grid and the adoption of new market rules to address PJM's changing generation mix were front and center during OPSI's annual meeting.
FERC: Mild Winter Ahead, but Severe Weather Risk Remains
A new report from FERC says the U.S. energy market seems ready for the winter months but warned that the risks of extreme weather are still a major factor.
Utah Office of Energy Development and S&P Global Market Intelligence
FERC Commissioners Opine on Western RTO
FERC commissioners told an audience of Western stakeholders and regulators that they back the formation of a Western RTO; California can't go it alone.

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