West Virginia

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FERC Commissioner See Explains Her Regulatory Philosophy at EBA
FERC Commissioner Lindsay See took office the day the Supreme Court issued its Loper Bright decision striking down the Chevron deference to federal agencies, she told the Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Energy Forum.
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W.Va. PSC Adviser Jackie Roberts Announces Retirement
Jackie Roberts announced her retirement from the West Virginia Public Service Commission, capping a 14-year career with the state.
FERC Denies Permit for Pumped Storage Hydro on Navajo Land
FERC denied an application for a 3.6-MW pumped storage hydropower facility on the Little Colorado River in Arizona —  entirely on Navajo Nation land — after the tribe protested that it had not been consulted with by the developer.
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FERC Rejects Complaints from IMM, W.Va. PSC Arguing for Access to PJM Liaison Committee
FERC has rejected two complaints from the West Virginia Public Service Commission and the Independent Market Monitor seeking access to PJM's Liaison Committee.
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Utility CEOs See Ongoing Role for Gas, Nuclear in Decarbonization
Utility executives told state regulators that natural gas and nuclear power will be part of the electric mix for decades as the industry decarbonizes.
Supreme Court Skeptical of EPA’s Good Neighbor Plan
The U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority appeared inclined to pause the Biden administration’s Good Neighbor Plan, an EPA rule to limit ozone-forming nitrogen oxide emissions from power plants and industrial facilities in certain states.
5 PJM States Considering Bills to Require Utilities to File Stakeholder Votes
Legislators in five states in PJM have filed similar bills that would require regulated utilities to submit all of their stakeholder votes publicly with state regulators.
Library of Congress
FirstEnergy Pressured to Acquire W.Va. Coal Plant
Pressure to purchase and run a West Virginia coal-fired power plant poses financial and political complications for Ohio-based FirstEnergy.
W.Va. PSC Files Complaint over PJM Meeting Policy
The regulators contend that PJM is violating its tariff by not granting the PSC access to meetings of the RTO’s Member Liaison Committee.
Ohio Alliance to Support Appalachian Hydrogen Hub
Leaders of the Ohio Clean Hydrogen Hub Alliance say they will support a West Virginia-led initiative to create a regional hydrogen hub.

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